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hanniabu.eth |
- Roles - Product, Operations, Project Management, Development, QA
- Admin Tools - Google Suite, MS Office, Notion, Pipedrive
- Communication Tools - Mailchimp, Discord, Telegram, Slack, Zoom, Twitter, Signal
- Engineering Tools - SolidWorks, Pro-E, Ansys
- Operating Systems - MacOS, Windows, Linux (Ubuntu)
- Product Tools - Miro, Figma, Typeform, Canva, Draw.io, Visio
- Project Management Tools - Jira, Trello
- Programming Languages - Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Solidity (learning)
- Programming Tools - Git/Github, Jekyll/Liquid, Selenium, React (learning), Solidity (learning)
- Support Tools - Zendesk, Intercom
- Other - Raspberry Pi
Current Projects
- EthereumAdoption.com - A list of high profile entities building on Ethereum. [Github, Website]
- EthereumDashboards.com - A collection of useful dashboards for the Ethereum ecosystem. [Github, Website]
- ClientDiversity.org - A resource site to assist in Ethereum client diversity efforts. [Github, Website]
- EthStaker.cc - The EthStaker community website. [Github, Website]
- ValidatorQueue.com - A dashboard to monitor validator enter/exit queues and wait times. [Github, Website]
- EthSunshine.com - A dashboard to monitor the health of Ethereum's decentralization. [Github, Website]
- DailyDoots.com - A site to highlight notable contributors to r/ethfinance. [Github, Website]
- EthFinance Buddy - A Chrome extension to display user details for r/EthFinance contributors. [Github]
- RocketPool.support - A Rocket Pool troubleshooting self-help resource. [Github, Website]
- RocketPool.community - A site to highlight the Rocket Pool community. [Github, Website]
Past Projects
- RescueNode.com (UI) - A community-run, trust-minimized, and secured fallback node for emergencies and maintenance. [Github, Website]
- EthFud.com - An educational site to help combat misinformation. [Github, Website]
- RocketPoolTool.com - A tool to help estimate Rocket Pool node operator rewards. [Github, Website]
- POAP.directory - A directory for POAP tools and resources. [Github, Website]
- Blocknet API Documentation - An API usage and reference guide for the Blocknet Protocol. [Github, Website]
- Blocknet Documentation - A documentation and knowledgebase for the Blocknet Protocol. [Github, Website]
- Block DX Website - A website for a decentralized exchange powered by the Blocknet Protocol. [Github, Website]
- Blocknet Interchain Configs - Configuration files for blockchains integrated with the Blocknet Protocol. [Github]
- Block DX - A UTXO-based fully decentralized P2P exchange powered by the Blocknet Protocol. [Github]
- Blocknet - A blockchain interoperability protocol. [Github]